26 Feb 2025 -
My name Is Cameron, I have been programming and building electronics since I was 10 and for the past several months I have been learning web development. I decided to start This blog to write about what I do and how I do it.
I started messing with Javascrypt and html when I was 10 but quickly grew to dislike it do to its complexity for a kid and the lack of an attention span to pursue it. Later in high school I was put in an IT class where half way through the second semester the teacher decided to teach us a bit of web development, though we only really learned how to make a webpage
After high school I went to college for a bachelors in computer engineering, 3 years in after some scheduling issues and a family emergency I decided to take some time off from college to help my family. During that time I quickly found myself with nothing to do most of the day, then I remembered That I had bought a course off of Udemy for web development. I then spent every spare moment studying the course, it took 8 months (1 month off) to get through the course but after that I had the information I needed to start developing web apps on my own.
The course is The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele an I highly recommend it. Its a pretty lengthy course with 73 hours of content starting with basic html to using Express.js to make a full CRUD web app and the course is updated roughly once a year. The course also includes React whitch I have yet to get into but will soon.
I plan to become a freelance web developer with what I have learned and will continue to learn so if you need a website go here
Thank you for reading,
R. Gibson